DevTools 2.28.1 release notes

The 2.28.1 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.

General updates

  • Added support for DevTools extensions. This means if you are debugging an app that depends on package:foo, and package:foo provides a DevTools extension, you will see a "Foo" tab display in DevTools that you can use to debug your app. To provide a DevTools extension for your pub package, check out the getting started guide for package:devtools_extensions!

Example DevTools extension

  • Fixed theming bug in isolate selector - #6403
  • Fixed isolate bug where main isolate was not reselecting on hot restart - #6436
  • Show the hot reload button for Dart server apps that support hot reload - #6341
  • Fixed exceptions on hot restart - #6451, #6450

Inspector updates

  • Fixed bug where inspector service calls were done on the selected isolate, instead of the main isolate - #6434

Logging updates

  • Improved responsiveness of the top bar on the Logging view - #6281

  • Added the ability to copy filtered logs - #6260

    The copy button on the Logging view to the right of the filter tool

Full commit history
