Recommended best practices for adaptive design include:

Design considerations


Break down your widgets


While designing your app, try to break down large, complex widgets into smaller, simpler ones.

Refactoring widgets can reduce the complexity of adopting an adaptive UI by sharing core pieces of code. There are other benefits as well:

  • On the performance side, having lots of small const widgets improves rebuild times over having large, complex widgets.
  • Flutter can reuse const widget instances, while a larger complex widget has to be set up for every rebuild.
  • From a code health perspective, organizing your UI into smaller bite sized pieces helps keep the complexity of each Widget down. A less-complex Widget is more readable, easier to refactor, and less likely to have surprising behavior.

To learn more, check out the 3 steps of adaptive design in General approach.

Design to the strengths of each form factor


Beyond screen size, you should also spend time considering the unique strengths and weaknesses of different form factors. It isn't always ideal for your multiplatform app to offer identical functionality everywhere. Consider whether it makes sense to focus on specific capabilities, or even remove certain features, on some device categories.

For example, mobile devices are portable and have cameras, but they aren't well suited for detailed creative work. With this in mind, you might focus more on capturing content and tagging it with location data for a mobile UI, but focus on organizing or manipulating that content for a tablet or desktop UI.

Another example is leveraging the web's extremely low barrier for sharing. If you're deploying a web app, decide which deep links to support, and design your navigation routes with those in mind.

The key takeaway here is to think about what each platform does best and see if there are unique capabilities you can leverage.

Solve touch first


Building a great touch UI can often be more difficult than a traditional desktop UI due, in part, to the lack of input accelerators like right-click, scroll wheel, or keyboard shortcuts.

One way to approach this challenge is to focus initially on a great touch-oriented UI. You can still do most of your testing using the desktop target for its iteration speed. But, remember to switch frequently to a mobile device to verify that everything feels right.

After you have the touch interface polished, you can tweak the visual density for mouse users, and then layer on all the additional inputs. Approach these other inputs as accelerator—alternatives that make a task faster. The important thing to consider is what a user expects when using a particular input device, and work to reflect that in your app.

Implementation details


Don't lock the orientation of your app.


An adaptive app should look good on windows of different sizes and shapes. While locking an app to portrait mode on phones can help narrow the scope of a minimum viable product, it can increase the effort required to make the app adaptive in the future.

For example, the assumption that phones will only render your app in a full screen portrait mode is not a guarantee. Multi window app support is becoming common, and foldables have many use cases that work best with multiple apps running side by side.

If you absolutely must lock your app in portrait mode (but don't), use the Display API instead of something like MediaQuery to get the physical dimensions of the screen.

To summarize:

Avoid orientation-based layouts


Avoid using MediaQuery's orientation field or OrientationBuilder to switch between different app layouts. This is similar to the guidance of not checking device types to determine screen size. The device's orientation also doesn't necessarily inform you of how much space your app window has.

Instead, use MediaQuery's sizeOf or LayoutBuilder, as discussed in the General approach page. Then use adaptive breakpoints like the ones that Material recommends.

Don't gobble up all of the horizontal space


Apps that use the full width of the window to display boxes or text fields don't play well when these apps run on large screens.

To learn how to avoid this, check out Layout with GridView.

Avoid checking for hardware types


Avoid writing code that checks whether the device you're running on is a "phone" or a "tablet", or any other type of device when making layout decisions.

What space your app is actually given to render in isn't always tied to the full screen size of the device. Flutter can run on many different platforms, and your app might be running in a resizeable window on ChromeOS, side by side with another app on tablets in a multi-window mode, or even in a picture-in-picture on phones. Therefore, device type and app window size aren't really strongly connected.

Instead, use MediaQuery to get the size of the window your app is currently running in.

This isn't only helpful for UI code. To learn how abstracting out device capabilities can help your business logic code, check out the 2022 Google I/O talk, Flutter lessons for federated plugin development.

Support a variety of input devices


Apps should support basic mice, trackpads, and keyboard shortcuts. The most common user flows should support keyboard navigation to ensure accessibility. In particular, your app follow accessible best practices for keyboards on large devices.

The Material library provides widgets with excellent default behavior for touch, mouse, and keyboard interaction.

To learn how to add this support to custom widgets, check out User input & accessibility.

Restore List state


To maintain the scroll position in a list that doesn't change its layout when the device's orientation changes, use the PageStorageKey class. PageStorageKey persists the widget state in storage after the widget is destroyed and restores state when recreated.

You can see an example of this in the Wonderous app, where it stores the list's state in the SingleChildScrollView widget.

If the List widget changes its layout when the device's orientation changes, you might have to do a bit of math (example) to change the scroll position on screen rotation.

Save app state


Apps should retain or restore app state as the device rotates, changes window size, or folds and unfolds. By default, an app should maintain state.

If your app loses state during device configuration, verify that the plugins and native extensions that your app uses support the device type, such as a large screen. Some native extensions might lose state when the device changes position.