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12 February 2025: 3.29 release


Flutter 3.29 is live! For more information, check out the Flutter 3.29 technical blog post. You might also check out the Dart 3.7 release blog post.

Docs updated or added since the 3.27 release

11 December 2024: 3.27 release


Flutter 3.27 is live! For more information, check out the Flutter 3.27 umbrella blog post and the Flutter 3.27 technical blog post. You might also check out the Dart 3.6 release blog post.

Docs updated or added since the 3.24 release

This website release includes several important updates!

07 August 2024: I/O Connect Beijing 3.24 release


Flutter 3.24 is live! For more information, check out the Flutter 3.24 umbrella blog post and the Flutter 3.24 technical blog post. You might also check out the Dart 3.5 release blog post.

Docs updated or added since the 3.22 release

This website release includes several important updates!

  • An updated widget catalog:
    • Added 37 missing widgets to the Cupertino catalog, and a new screenshot for the updated CupertinoActionSheet widget.
    • Added the new CarouselView widget.
    • CupertinoButton and CupertinoTextField also have updated behaviors.
  • New guides on adding support for Swift Package Manager to iOS plugins and iOS apps. (Note that, until all of your app's dependencies are migrated, Flutter will continue to use CocoaPods.)
  • Updated web docs:
  • Update for Android 14: If you are using an Android device that runs on Android 14, you can now support Android's predictive back gesture.
  • Updates for iOS 18: The iOS 18 release is in beta at the time of this release. These iOS 18 features are already enabled in Flutter and are now mentioned in the docs:
    • Use an iOS app extension in your Flutter app to create a custom toggle. Your users can then add your app's toggle when customizing their Control Center.
    • Tinted app icons are supported
  • Two pages of the Flutter fundamentals docs are updated:
    • Widgets
    • Layout We hope these pages are helpful for new Flutter developers.
  • DevTools also has updates. Check out the release notes for DevTools 2.35.0, DevTools 2.36.0, and DevTools 2.37.2.


  • If you are interested in the new, experimental Flutter GPU API, check out the Flutter GPU blog post.
  • The Flutter wiki has been divided up and moved into the relevant GitHub repos, making it easier to keep that info up to date.