You can configure your project to automatically transform assets at build time using compatible Dart packages.

Specifying asset transformations


In the pubspec.yaml file, list the assets to be transformed and the associated transformer package.

    - path: assets/logo.svg
        - package: vector_graphics_compiler

With this configuration, assets/logo.svg is transformed by the vector_graphics_compiler package as it is copied to the build output. This package precompiles SVG files into an optimized binary files that can be displayed using the vector_graphics package, like so:

import 'package:vector_graphics/vector_graphics.dart';

const Widget logo = VectorGraphic(loader: AssetBytesLoader('assets/logo.svg'));

Passing arguments to asset transformers


To pass a string of arguments to an asset transformer, also specify that in the pubspec:

    - path: assets/logo.svg
        - package: vector_graphics_compiler
          args: ['--tessellate', '--font-size=14']

Chaining asset transformers


Asset transformers can be chained and are applied in the order they are declared. Consider the following example using imaginary packages:

    - path: assets/bird.png
        - package: grayscale_filter
        - package: png_optimizer

Here, bird.png is transformed by the grayscale_filter package. The output is then transformed by the png_optimizer package before being bundled into the built app.

Writing asset transformer packages


An asset transformer is a Dart command-line app that is invoked with dart run with at least two arguments: --input, which contains the path to the file to transform and --output, which is the location where the transformer code must write its output to.

If the transformer finishes with a non-zero exit code, the application build fails with error message explaining that transformation of the asset failed. Anything written to the stderr stream of the process by the transformer is included in the error message.

During the invocation of the transformer, the FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE environment variable will be set to the CLI name of the build mode being used. For example, if you run your app with flutter run -d macos --release, then FLUTTER_BUILD_MODE will be set to release.

