DevTools 2.9.2 release notes

The 2.9.2 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.

General updates

  • Take our 2022 DevTools survey! Provide your feedback and help us improve your development experience. This survey prompt will show up directly in DevTools sometime in mid-February.

    survey prompt

    Note: If you are having issues launching the survey, please make sure you have upgraded to the latest Flutter stable branch 2.10. There was a bug in DevTools (fixed in #3574) that prevented the survey from being able to be opened, and unless you are on Flutter 2.10, this bug will still be present._

  • General bug fixes and improvements - #3528, #3531, #3532, #3539

Performance updates

  • Added frame numbers to x-axis the Flutter frames chart - #3526

    frame numbers

Debugger updates

  • Fix a bug where the File Explorer in the Debugger did not show contents after a hot restart - #3527

Full commit history
