DevTools 2.9.1 release notes
The 2.9.1 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.
Debugger updates
Improve support for inspecting large lists and maps in the Debugger variables pane - #3497
Added support for selecting objects in the program explorer outline view. Selecting an object will automatically scroll the source code in the debugger to the selected object - #3480
Performance updates
Fix bugs with performance page search and improve performance - #3515
Added an enhanced tooltip for flutter frames - #3493
Full commit history
#除非另有说明,本文档之所提及适用于 Flutter 的最新稳定版本,本页面最后更新时间: 2024-09-04。 查看文档源码 或者 为本页面内容提出建议。