DevTools 2.29.0 release notes

The 2.29.0 release of the Dart and Flutter DevTools includes the following changes among other general improvements. To learn more about DevTools, check out the DevTools overview.

General updates

  • Fix a bug with service extension states not being cleared on app disconnect. - #6547

  • Improved styling of bottom status bar when connected to an app. - #6525

  • Added a workaround to fix copy button functionality in VSCode. - #6598

Performance updates

  • Added an option in the "Enhance Tracing" menu for tracking platform channel activity. This is useful for apps with plugins. - #6515

    Track platform channels setting

  • Made the Performance screen available when there is no connected app. Performance data that was previously saved from DevTools can be reloaded for viewing from this screen. - #6567

  • Added an "Open" button to the Performance controls for loading data that was previously saved from DevTools. - #6567

    Open file button on the performance screen

CPU profiler updates

  • Tree guidelines are now always enabled for the "Bottom Up" and "Call Tree" tabs. - #6534

  • Made the CPU profiler screen available when there is no connected app. CPU profiles that were previously saved from DevTools can be reloaded for viewing from this screen. - #6567

  • Added an "Open" button to the CPU profiler controls for loading data that was previously saved from DevTools. - #6567

Network profiler updates

  • Network statuses now show with an error color when the request failed. - #6527

Full commit history
